Thursday, August 30, 2012

her way.

I love to travel. Plain, simple, fancy, over-scheduled, off the beaten path, with my family or not, it doesn't matter, I have an overwhelming desire to see the world. I have had on more than one occasion people tell me, "I wish I could do what you do".  I know that I am lucky, but feel like what I do is not that special. I just make what I have at my disposal work for me. It's about doing what you want and going where do you want to go. I don't need the Four Seasons Hotel to have an enjoyable time, but I certainly am not going to turn down the opportunity to go when it's presented. I also can pull out the camping gear when it's needed or I need to cut costs. My goal of this blog is that I offer the reader something that helps either motivate them to want to go, or a tip that makes a planned trip even better.
The trick to finding your travel style is remembering past trips that are memorable to you, identifying what you enjoy and tap into that. If you are a beach person and the idea of a week in a city is not your cuppa, then I would suggest rethinking that dream week in Paris for a trip to the French Riviera instead. I don't want to imply that you cannot enjoy a trip outside your comfort zone, but always make sure to include the elements that you love within the trip.
Because my style is all over the place, I don't stick to one plan or another. I tend to channel the people whom I am with, I tend to be a follower in that regard, which suits me just fine. I like to think my parents are very responsible for my travel needs. On more than one occasion, I came home form school to find my laundry done and being told I have 15 minutes to pack before I would be left behind. It's hard to set expectations and plans when you don't have much warning. I recall a trip where my mother and I were trying get to a wedding in Ireland and tried to use my Dad's retiree military retiree status to get on an airplane. We drove all morning to McGuire Air Force base in New Jersey only to find out Dad must go with us. So, we turned around and went home to pack my Dad. We stopped in Gettysburg and took a drive on route 30 through Pennsylvania. No rush no hurry, just a nice leisurely time. We returned to the base the next evening We didn't succeed to Ireland, but had a nice time in New Jersey. The experience of that trip is one I try to recreate with my family when I travel, let the adventure take you.